CREATE KEYSPACE keyspace_name WITH replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor':1}; |
Create a keyspace with specified replication settings. |
USE keyspace_name; |
Switch to a specific keyspace to perform operations within it. |
CREATE TABLE table_name (column_definitions PRIMARY KEY (primary_key_column)); |
Create a table with defined columns and a primary key. |
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...); |
Insert data into a table with specified column values. |
SELECT * FROM table_name; |
Retrieve all rows from a table. |
UPDATE table_name SET column1 = value1 WHERE primary_key_column = key_value; |
Update data in a table based on the primary key. |
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE primary_key_column = key_value; |
Delete data from a table based on the primary key. |
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name datatype; |
Add a new column to an existing table. |
DESCRIBE keyspace_name; |
Display the schema and details of a keyspace. |
DESCRIBE table_name; |
Display the schema and details of a table. |
Show the Cassandra version. |
Start a batch of CQL statements for atomic execution. |
Execute a batch of CQL statements as a single atomic operation. |
Exit the CQL shell. |