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Cassandra - Lab 2

1. The Cassandra structure

In this lab session, we will explore Apache Cassandra by executing various commands to create a keyspace, define column families, and create a secondary index.


  1. Execute the following command in the CQL shell to create a keyspace named "developers" with a replication factor of 3

    CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS developers WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};


    You can ignore the warning that will be shown after running the command

    Warnings :
    Your replication factor 3 for keyspace developers is higher than the number of nodes 1
  2. Execute the following commands in the CQL shell to create column families for "Person" and "Movie"

    CREATE COLUMNFAMILY IF NOT EXISTS developers.Person (id bigint PRIMARY KEY, name text, contacts map<text, text>);
    CREATE TYPE IF NOT EXISTS developers.director (name text, movies set<text>);
    CREATE COLUMNFAMILY IF NOT EXISTS developers.Movie (name text PRIMARY KEY, age int, director FROZEN<director>);
  3. Create a secondary index on the "age" column of the "Movie" column family using the following command in the CQL shell

    create index if not exists ageIndex on;
  4. Use the Cassandra shell to explore, insert, and query data within your instance

Expected results

  • Column families movie and person created

2. Implement the person class

In this lab, we will learn how to create a Java connection with Cassandra.


  1. Open the 04-column project and navigate to the src/main/java
  2. Create a class called Person in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  3. Define the class with the @Entity annotation, specifying the entity name as "Person."

    public class Person {
  4. Add the fields as specified in the provided code, including the @Id annotation for the id field and @Column annotations for the other fields.

    private long id;
    private String name;
    private Map<String, String> contacts;
  5. Implement constructors, getter methods, equals, hashCode, and toString methods

Expected results

  • Entity Person created


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import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;
import jakarta.nosql.Id;

import java.util.Map;

public class Person {

    private long id;

    private String name;

    private Map<String, String> contacts;

    public Person() {

    public Person(long id, String name, Map<String, String> contacts) { = id; = name;
        this.contacts = contacts;

    public long getId() {
        return id;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public Map<String, String> getContacts() {
        return contacts;

3. Implement the Builder class


  1. Create a class called PersonBuilder in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add the same fields we had previously added to the Person class, without the annotations

    private long id;
    private String name;
    private Map<String, String> contacts;
  3. Add the builder methods for each field

  4. Add the build() method creating a new instance of Person using its constructor
  5. In the Person class add the builder method referring to the PersonBuilder


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import java.util.Map;

public class PersonBuilder {

    private long id;
    private String name;
    private Map<String, String> contacts;

    public PersonBuilder id(long id) { = id;
        return this;

    public PersonBuilder name(String name) { = name;
        return this;

    public PersonBuilder contacts(Map<String, String> contacts) {
        this.contacts = contacts;
        return this;

    public Person build() {
        return new Person(id, name, contacts);

4. Create the execution class for basic Cassandra Operations


  1. Create a class called AppCassandraOperations in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Create two user instances using the builder of the Person class with different data inside the try statement

    Person user1 = Person.builder()
            .contacts(Map.of("twitter", "otaviojava", "linkedin", "otaviojava","youtube", "otaviojava"))
            .name("Otavio Santana").id(1).build();
    Person user2 = Person.builder()
            .contacts(Map.of("twitter", "elderjava", "linkedin", "elderjava","youtube", "elderjava"))
            .name("Elder Moraes").id(2).build();
  5. Obtain an instance of ColumnTemplate using Jakarta EE's SeContainer

    ColumnTemplate template =;
  6. Insert, the two user instances into the column using the ColumnTemplate, where the second one will have a delay of 1 second, using the method insert()

    template.insert(user2, Duration.ofSeconds(1));
  7. Retrieve the user2 data based on its id and printout the result

    • use the method select() from the template field
    • the first parameter is the class and the second is the id value
    Optional<Person> person2 = template.find(Person.class, 2L);
    System.out.println("Person2 data: " + person2);
  8. Add a wait time, then retrieve and printout the same user again

    person2 = template.find(Person.class, 2L);
    System.out.println("Person2 second retrieve data: " + person2);
  9. Retrieve the user1 data based on its id and printout the result

    Optional<User> user1Data = template.get("user1", User.class);
    System.out.println("User1 data: " + user1Data);
  10. Define a private constructor for the AppCassandraOperations class to prevent instantiation since it contains only static methods:

    private AppCassandraOperations() {
  11. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • The following output

    Person2 data: Optional[Person{id=2, name='Elder Moraes', contacts={youtube=elderjava, twitter=elderjava, linkedin=elderjava}}]
    Person2 second retrieve data: Optional.empty
    Person1 data: Optional[Person{id=1, name='Otavio Santana', contacts={youtube=otaviojava, twitter=otaviojava, linkedin=otaviojava}}]
  • The second printout, related to the user2 does not show any data because it expired


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import jakarta.nosql.column.ColumnTemplate;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

public class AppCassandraOperations {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {

        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {

            Person user1 = Person.builder()
                .contacts(Map.of("twitter", "otaviojava", "linkedin", "otaviojava", "youtube", "otaviojava"))
                .name("Otavio Santana").id(1).build();

            Person user2 = Person.builder()
                .contacts(Map.of("twitter", "elderjava", "linkedin", "elderjava", "youtube", "elderjava"))
                .name("Elder Moraes").id(2).build();

            ColumnTemplate template =;

            template.insert(user2, Duration.ofSeconds(1));

            Optional<Person> person2 = template.find(Person.class, 2L);
            System.out.println("Person2 data: " + person2);

            person2 = template.find(Person.class, 2L);
            System.out.println("Person2 second retrieve data: " + person2);

            Optional<Person> person1 = template.find(Person.class, 1L);
            System.out.println("Person1 data: " + person1);

5. Create the execution class for Cassandra specialization

In this lab, we will learn how to use specific features with Eclipse JNoSQL.


  1. Create a class called AppCassandraSpecialization in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Create a user instance using the builder of the Person class with some data inside the try statement

    Person user1 = Person.builder().contacts(Map.of("twitter", "ada")).name("Lovelace").id(3).build();
  5. Obtain an instance of CassandraTemplate using the method

    CassandraTemplate template =;
  6. Save the user1 person entity to Cassandra using a specified consistency level:, ConsistencyLevel.ONE);
  7. Retrieve data from Cassandra using a CQL query and collect the results into a list of Person objects:

    List<Person> people = template.<Person>cql("select * from developers.Person where id = 1")
  8. Print the retrieved entities:

  9. Define a private constructor for the AppCassandraSpecialization class to prevent instantiation since it contains only static methods:

    private AppCassandraSpecialization() {
  10. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • TBD


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import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.ConsistencyLevel;
import org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping.CassandraTemplate;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class AppCassandraSpecialization {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {
            Person user1 = Person.builder().contacts(Map.of("twitter", "ada")).name("Lovelace").id(3).build();

            CassandraTemplate template =;
  , ConsistencyLevel.ONE);

            List<Person> people = template.<Person>cql("select * from developers.Person where id = 1")


    private AppCassandraSpecialization() {