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Cassandra - Lab 4

In this lab, we will learn how to UDT.

1. Define the Director Entity


  1. Create a class called Director in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Define the class with the @Entity annotation

    public class Director {
  3. Add the fields as specified in the provided code adding the@Column annotations for all

    private String name;
    private Set<String> movies;
  4. Implement constructors, setter methods, equals, hashCode, and toString method.

Expected results

  • Entity Director created


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import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;

import java.util.Set;

public class Director {

    private String name;

    private Set<String> movies;

    public Director() {

    public Director(String name, Set<String> movies) { = name;
        this.movies = movies;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public void setMovies(Set<String> movies) {
        this.movies = movies;

    public String toString() {
        return "Director{" +
            "name='" + name + '\'' +
            ", movies=" + movies +

2. Implement the Builder class


  1. Create a class called DirectorBuilder in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add the same fields we had previously added to the Director class, without the annotations

    • note that we need to initialize the movies attribute
    private String name;
    private final Set<String> movies = new HashSet<>();
  3. Add the builder methods for each field

    • for the movies field, add a single movie to the Set
  4. Add the build() method creating a new instance of Director using its constructor
  5. In the Director class add the builder method referring to the DirectorBuilder

Expected results

  • Builder class DirectorBuilder created


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import java.util.Set;

public class DirectorBuilder {

    private String name;
    private Set<String> movies;

    public DirectorBuilder name(String name) { = name;
        return this;

    public DirectorBuilder addMovie(String movie) {
        return this;

    public Director build() {
        return new Director(name, movies);

3. Define the Movie Entity


  1. Create a class called Movie in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Define the class with the @Entity annotation
  3. Define instance variables for name, age, and director, where the name is the ID and must have the @Id annotation and the other attributes the @Column annotation

    private String name;
    private Integer age;
    private Director director;
  4. Annotate the director field with @UDT("director") from the package org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping to specify that it's a User-Defined Type (UDT) with the name "director"

    private Director director;
  5. Implement the constructor, getter, setters, equals, hashCode, and toString methods for the class

Expected results

  • Entity Director created


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import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;
import jakarta.nosql.Id;
import org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping.UDT;

public class Movie {

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    private Director director;

    public Movie(String name, Integer age, Director director) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.director = director;

    // getters and setters ignored

    public String toString() {
        return "Movie{" +
            "name='" + name + '\'' +
            ", age=" + age +
            ", director=" + director +

4. Define the Movie Repository


  1. Create an interface called MovieRepository in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Annotate the interface with @Repository using the package from to indicate it's a Jakarta Data repository
  3. Extend the CassandraRepository interface from the package org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping and specify the entity type (Movie) and the ID type (String) as type parameters

    public interface MovieRepository extends CassandraRepository<Movie, String> {
  4. Define the custom query findByAge()

    List<Movie> findByAge(Integer age);
  5. Define a custom query findAllQuery() adding the @CQL annotation from the package org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping where its parameter have the following query select * from developers.Movie

    @CQL("select * from developers.Movie")
    List<Movie> findAllQuery();

Expected results

  • Repository MovieRepository containing two custom queries


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import org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping.CQL;
import org.eclipse.jnosql.databases.cassandra.mapping.CassandraRepository;

import java.util.List;

public interface MovieRepository extends CassandraRepository<Movie, String> {

    List<Movie> findByAge(Integer age);

    @CQL("select * from developers.Movie")
    List<Movie> findAllQuery();

5. Create the execution class for Cassandra UDT


  1. Create a class called AppCassandraUDT in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Obtain an instance of the MovieRepository interface using Jakarta EE's SeContainer. It is done by selecting and getting an instance of the repository

    MovieRepository repository =;
  5. Add the following Movie instances with its data

    Movie matrix = new Movie();
    matrix.setName("The Matrix");
    matrix.setDirector(Director.builder().name("Lana Wachowski")
        .add("The Matrix").add("The Matrix Reloaded").add("Assassins").build());
    Movie fightClub = new Movie();
    fightClub.setName("Fight Club");
    fightClub.setDirector(Director.builder().name("David Fincher")
        .add("Fight Club").add("Seven").add("The Social Network").build());
    Movie americanBeauty = new Movie();
    americanBeauty.setName("American Beauty");
    americanBeauty.setDirector(Director.builder().name("Sam Mendes")
        .add("Spectre").add("SkyFall").add("American Beauty").build());
  6. Use the repository to save all the created Movie, as a List of entities to Cassandra using repository.saveAll()

    repository.saveAll(List.of(matrix, fightClub, americanBeauty));
  7. Retrieve and print all movies using repository.findAllQuery()

    List<Movie> allMovies = repository.findAllQuery();
    System.out.println("All movies = " + allMovies);
  8. Retrieve and print movies from the year 1999 using repository.findByAge(1999)

    List<Movie> movieByAge = repository.findByAge(1999);
    System.out.println("Movies from 1999 = " + movieByAge);
  9. Define a private constructor for the AppCassandraUDT class to prevent instantiation since it contains only static methods:

    private AppCassandraUDT() {
  10. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • The following output

    All movies = [Movie{name='Fight Club', age=1999, director=Director{name='David Fincher', movies=[Fight Club, Seven, The Social Network]}}, Movie{name='American Beauty', age=1999, director=Director{name='Sam Mendes', movies=[American Beauty, SkyFall, Spectre]}}, Movie{name='The Matrix', age=1999, director=Director{name='Lana Wachowski', movies=[The Matrix, Assassins, The Matrix Reloaded]}}]
    Movies from 1999 = [Movie{name='Fight Club', age=1999, director=Director{name='David Fincher', movies=[Fight Club, Seven, The Social Network]}}, Movie{name='American Beauty', age=1999, director=Director{name='Sam Mendes', movies=[American Beauty, SkyFall, Spectre]}}, Movie{name='The Matrix', age=1999, director=Director{name='Lana Wachowski', movies=[The Matrix, Assassins, The Matrix Reloaded]}}]


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import java.util.List;

public class AppCassandraUDT {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {
            MovieRepository repository =;

            Movie matrix = new Movie();
            matrix.setName("The Matrix");
            matrix.setDirector(Director.builder().name("Lana Wachowski")
                .addMovie("The Matrix").addMovie("The Matrix Reloaded").addMovie("Assassins").build());

            Movie fightClub = new Movie();
            fightClub.setName("Fight Club");
            fightClub.setDirector(Director.builder().name("David Fincher")
                .addMovie("Fight Club").add("Seven").addMovie("The Social Network").build());

            Movie americanBeauty = new Movie();
            americanBeauty.setName("American Beauty");
            americanBeauty.setDirector(Director.builder().name("Sam Mendes")
                .addMovie("Spectre").addMovie("SkyFall").addMovie("American Beauty").build());

            repository.saveAll(List.of(matrix, fightClub, americanBeauty));

            List<Movie> allMovies = repository.findAllQuery();
            System.out.println("All movies = " + allMovies);

            List<Movie> movieByAge = repository.findByAge(1999);
            System.out.println("Movies from 1999 = " + movieByAge);

    public AppCassandraUDT() {