use database_name; |
Switches to a specific database for operations. |
db.createCollection("collection_name"); |
Creates a new collection within the current database. |
db.collection_name.insertOne(document); |
Inserts a single document into a collection. |
db.collection_name.insertMany(documents); |
Inserts multiple documents into a collection. |
db.collection_name.find(query, projection); |
Retrieves documents from a collection based on a query. |
db.collection_name.updateOne(filter, update); |
Updates a single document in a collection that matches the filter. |
db.collection_name.updateMany(filter, update); |
Updates multiple documents in a collection that match the filter. |
db.collection_name.deleteOne(filter); |
Deletes a single document from a collection that matches the filter. |
db.collection_name.deleteMany(filter); |
Deletes multiple documents from a collection that match the filter. |
db.collection_name.aggregate(pipeline); |
Performs aggregation operations on documents in a collection using a pipeline. |