MongoDB - Lab 1
In this lab session, we will explore MongoDB by setting up a Docker MongoDB instance using the provided command. We will cover the following:
- Launching a Docker MongoDB Container
- Connecting to the MongoDB Instance using the MongoDB Shell (mongosh)
- Creating a Database and a Collection
- Inserting and Querying Documents
1. Starting MongoDB
- Start up Docker
- Open your Terminal
Execute the following command
This command creates a Docker container named "mongodb-instance" running the MongoDB image, mapping port 27017 on your host to port 27017 inside the container, and running MongoDB in the background.
Expected results
- The terminal will show the container ID
2. Connecting to the MongoDB Instance
- Open the Terminal (or stay in the same Terminal window)
- Execute the following command
Expected results
The following information in the Terminal
3. Create a database and a collection
Create a database named
by running the following command in the MongoDB Shell -
Create a collection called
by running the following command in the MongoDB Shell
Expected results
Two logs in your Terminal related to the previous commands
4. Inserting and Querying Documents
Insert the following documents to the
collection, using the MongoDB Shell -
Query the documents, to prove that they were successfully inserted, by running the following command into the MondBD Shell
Expected results
The following information in the Terminal