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MongoDB - Lab 3

In this lab, you will create a Java application that utilizes Jakarta Data's repository framework to manage a library of books. The application will allow you to save books, retrieve books by title, and perform pageable queries on the book data.

1. Define the Library Repository Interface


  1. Create an interface called Library and annotate it with @Repository from the package

    public interface Library {
  2. Extend the PageableRepository<Book, String> interface, specifying that it's a repository for managing Book entities with String as the type of the ID field

    public interface Library extends PageableRepository<Book, String> {
  3. Define a custom query method findByTitle() that will take a title as String where the return is a List of Book

    List<Book> findByTitle(String title);

Expected results

  • Entity Library created


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import java.util.List;

public interface Library extends PageableRepository<Book, String> {

    List<Book> findByTitle(String title);

2. Add a factory data method to Book


  1. Open the Book class
  2. Add the following method

    public static Book of(Faker faker) {
        return new Book(faker.code().isbn13(),, faker.number().numberBetween(1, 10),
            faker.number().numberBetween(1900, 2022));


    The method of() will take the Faker class that's from the DataFaker library to generate random data when its accessed.

Expected results

  • Class Book with an additional method to generate its instance using random data


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import com.github.javafaker.Faker;
import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;
import jakarta.nosql.Id;

public record Book(@Id String isbn, @Column String title, @Column int edition, @Column int year) {

    public static Book of(Faker faker) {
        return new Book(faker.code().isbn13(),, faker.number().numberBetween(1, 10),
            faker.number().numberBetween(1900, 2022));

3. Create the execution class to insert data


  1. Create a class called AppMongoDBPagable in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Using the Jakarta SE container, obtain an instance of the Library repository by selecting it:

    Library library =;
  5. Instantiate the Faker class to be able to, later on, save the book with some data

    Faker faker = new Faker();
  6. Create a look saving 100 different books using the method

    IntStream.range(0, 100).mapToObj(index -> Book.of(faker)).forEach(library::save);
  7. Create a Pageable object named pageable using Pageable.ofSize(10).sortBy(Sort.asc("title"), Sort.desc("year")). This sets options for retrieving books in pages of size 10, sorted by title in ascending order and year in descending order

    • both Pageable and Sort classes are from the package
    Pageable pageable = Pageable.ofSize(10).sortBy(Sort.asc("title"), Sort.desc("year"));
  8. Find all books on the filter we created above, which will contain 10 entries, using the Page class from package

    Page<Book> page = library.findAll(pageable);
  9. Printout the content of the page attribute using the content() method

    System.out.println("Page = " + page.content());
  10. Create a second Pageable object named nextPage to retrieve the next page of books

    Pageable nextPage =;
  11. Find all books from the next page

    Page<Book> page2 = library.findAll(nextPage);
  12. Printout the content of the page2 attribute using the content() method

    System.out.println("Page 2 = " + page2);
  13. Use the custom query findByTitle() to find the book "Effective Java" and printout the result

    library.findByTitle("Effective Java").forEach(System.out::println);
  14. Define a private constructor for the AppMongoDBPagable class to prevent instantiation since it contains only static methods:

    private AppMongoDBPagable() {
  15. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • The following output

    Page = [Book[isbn=2fc4801f-fbed-4878-9e85-538487feae65, title=Effective Java, edition=1, year=2019], Book[isbn=9790753509363, title=If Not Now, When?, edition=5, year=2017], Book[isbn=9780972389006, title=Françoise Sagan, edition=4, year=2016], Book[isbn=9781430782025, title=The Little Foxes, edition=9, year=2012], Book[isbn=9790835585384, title=If Not Now, When?, edition=6, year=2010], Book[isbn=9780771303333, title=The World, the Flesh and the Devil, edition=7, year=2009], Book[isbn=9791077784467, title=To Sail Beyond the Sunset, edition=9, year=2008], Book[isbn=9780705967556, title=That Hideous Strength, edition=3, year=2006], Book[isbn=9790949723771, title=An Instant In The Wind, edition=5, year=2006], Book[isbn=9781470218720, title=The Violent Bear It Away, edition=7, year=2005]]
    Page 2 = NoSQLPage{entities=[Book[isbn=9781470218720, title=The Violent Bear It Away, edition=7, year=2005], Book[isbn=9780878082858, title=Where Angels Fear to Tread, edition=3, year=2003], Book[isbn=9791962492460, title=The Moon by Night, edition=4, year=2002], Book[isbn=9780736251754, title=East of Eden, edition=4, year=2002], Book[isbn=9781087074238, title=Nectar in a Sieve, edition=8, year=2001], Book[isbn=9790880353556, title=To Say Nothing of the Dog, edition=4, year=2001], Book[isbn=9781884451362, title=Clouds of Witness, edition=8, year=2000], Book[isbn=9791584073665, title=Have His Carcase, edition=3, year=2000], Book[isbn=9781961487482, title=The Wind's Twelve Quarters, edition=7, year=1999], Book[isbn=9790332536162, title=Edna O'Brien, edition=9, year=1998]], pageable=Pageable{page=2, size=10, title ASC, year DESC}}
    Book[isbn=2fc4801f-fbed-4878-9e85-538487feae65, title=Effective Java, edition=1, year=2019]


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import com.github.javafaker.Faker;


public class AppMongoDBPagable {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {
            Library library =;

            Faker faker = new Faker();
            IntStream.range(0, 100).mapToObj(index -> Book.of(faker)).forEach(library::save);

            Pageable pageable = Pageable.ofSize(10).sortBy(Sort.asc("title"), Sort.desc("year"));
            Page<Book> page = library.findAll(pageable);
            System.out.println("Page = " + page.content());

            Pageable nextPage =;
            Page<Book> page2 = library.findAll(nextPage);
            System.out.println("Page 2 = " + page2);

            library.findByTitle("Effective Java").forEach(System.out::println);

    private AppMongoDBPagable() {