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Jakarta CDI - Intermediate Lab 2

In this lab, we will create an object taking information from who needs this information using the InjectionPoint. Thus, we will create a Logger producer.

1. Create the LoggerProducer class


  1. Create a class called LoggerProducer in the expert.os.labs.persistence.cid.producer package
  2. Create a constant to log results using the Logger from the java.util.logging package
  3. Annotate it with the @ApplicationScoped from the jakarta.enterprise.context package
  4. Add a producer method, annotating it with @Produces from the jakarta.enterprise.inject where:
    • it has a parameter using the InjectionPoint class from jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi package
    • get the class name using the Injection point, associating it with a variable
    • log the class name using the logger


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import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.Produces;
import jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi.InjectionPoint;

import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class LoggerProducer {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LoggerProducer.class.getName());

    Logger getLog(InjectionPoint injectionPoint) {
        String declaringClass = injectionPoint.getMember().getDeclaringClass().getName();"Creating instance log to " + declaringClass);

        return Logger.getLogger(declaringClass);


The getLog() method is annotated with @Produces, indicating that it is a CDI producer method. This method produces java.util.logging.Logger instances. It takes an InjectionPoint as a parameter, which provides information about the injection point. It retrieves the declaring class name from the injection point and creates a Logger instance for that class name. It also logs a message indicating the creation of the logger.

2. Define a class that uses the produced logger


  1. Create a class called NumberLogger in the expert.os.labs.persistence.cid package
  2. Define a private attribute Logger from the java.util.logging package
  3. Add a default constructor
  4. Add a constructor that receives the Logger as a parameter and annotate it using the @Inject class from the jakarta.inject package
  5. Add a log method to log a BigDecimal value


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import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

public class NumberLogger {

    private Logger logger;

    NumberLogger() {

    public NumberLogger(Logger logger) {
        this.logger = logger;

    public void log(BigDecimal value) {"The BigDecimal value is " + value);


3. Create the app class


  1. Create a class called AppNumberLog in the expert.os.labs.persistence.cid package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Obtain the value of the BigDecimal through the container instance

  5. Obtain the value of the NumberLogger through the container instance
  6. Printout the value of the NumberLogger
  7. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • The following output

    expert.os.labs.persistence.cdi.producer.LoggerProducer getLog
    INFO: Creating instance log to expert.os.labs.persistence.cdi.NumberLogger
    expert.os.labs.persistence.cdi.NumberLogger log
    INFO: The BigDecimal value is 11
    We don't need this number anymore: 11


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import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class AppNumberLog {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {
            BigDecimal value =;

            NumberLogger logger =;