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Cypher commands

Cypher Command Description
MATCH (node:Label)-[:RELATIONSHIP]->(other) RETURN node, other; Retrieves nodes and relationships based on specified criteria, filtering and returning results.
CREATE (node:Label {property: value}); Creates nodes with optional labels and properties. You can also create relationships between nodes in the same query.
MERGE (node:Label {property: value}); Combines node creation and matching, ensuring that a node with the specified properties and labels either exists or is created.
DELETE node; Removes nodes and their relationships from the graph. You can also use this command to delete relationships.
SET = value; Sets or updates the value of a property on a node or relationship.
RETURN DISTINCT; Returns distinct values of a specified property from the query results.
ORDER BY ASC/DESC; Orders query results based on the specified property in ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order.
LIMIT n; Limits the number of results returned by the query to the specified value (n).
WITH node AS alias; Creates an alias for a node or a result set, allowing you to reference it in subsequent parts of the query.
OPTIONAL MATCH (node)-[:RELATIONSHIP]->(other) RETURN node, other; Performs a match operation that doesn't require a match to exist, allowing you to retrieve optional relationships without affecting the main query.