Neo4J - Lab 1
In this lab session, we will explore Neo4j by setting up a Docker Neo4j instance using the provided command. We will cover the following:
- Launching a Docker Neo4j Container
- Accessing the Neo4j Browser Interface
- Creating a Sample Graph Database
- Running Cypher Queries
1. Lauch a Docker Neo4j Container
- Start up Docker
- Open your Terminal
Execute the following command
This command creates a Docker container running the Neo4j image, maps ports 7474 and 7687 from the container to the host machine, and sets the initial authentication to "neo4j/admin123."
2. Access the Neo4j Browser Interface
- Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:7474
- Connect to the Neo4J using the following information:
- Connect URL:
- Database - leave empty for default: leave it empty
- Authentication type:
Username / Password
- Username:
- Password:
- Connect URL:
2. Create a Sample Graph Database
Create a simple graph database with nodes and relationships in the user interface
- paste the content into the top section on your screen with start with
hit the play button
CREATE (Alice:Person {name: "Alice", age: 30}) CREATE (Bob:Person {name: "Bob", age: 25}) CREATE (Charlie:Person {name: "Charlie", age: 35}) CREATE (Alice)-[:FRIEND]->(Bob) CREATE (Alice)-[:FRIEND]->(Charlie)
Expected results
- paste the content into the top section on your screen with start with
The following information in the log
4. Run Cypher Queries
Run the following Cypher query into the Neo4J interface
Click on the Graph icon in the left page
This query retrieves Alice and her friends.
Expected results
The following relationship between
and its friendserDiagram Charlie ||--o{ Alice : friend Bob ||--o{ Alice : friend