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Neo4J - Lab 2

In this lab, we will explore more about Neo4J and Java.

1. Define the Book Entity Class


  1. Open the 06-graph project and navigate to the src/main/java
  2. Create a class called Book in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  3. Define the class with the @Entity annotation from the jakarta.nosql package
  4. Add the following private fields:

    • @Id Long id
    • @Column String name
  5. Add a static method to create a book by a given name

    public static Book of(String name) {
        return new Book(name);
  6. Implement constructors, getter methods, equals, hashCode, and toString methods


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import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;
import jakarta.nosql.Id;

public class Book {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    public Book() {

    public Book(String name) { = name;

    public static Book of(String name) {
        return new Book(name);

    // other methods

2. Create the Category Class


  1. Create a class called Category in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Define the class with the @Entity annotation from the jakarta.nosql package
  3. Add the following private fields:

    • @Id Long id
    • @Column String name
  4. Add a static method to create a book by a given name

    public static Category of(String name) {
        return new Category(name);
  5. Implement constructors, getter methods, equals, hashCode, and toString methods


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import jakarta.nosql.Column;
import jakarta.nosql.Entity;
import jakarta.nosql.Id;

public class Category {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    public Category() {

    public Category(String name) { = name;

    public static Category of(String name) {
        return new Category(name);

    // other methods

3. Create the LibraryLabels Enum


  1. Create an enum called LibraryLabels in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. It implements the Supplier<String> interface to provide a custom label for the relationship between books and categories
  3. Add the constant IS
  4. Associate a value to the constant with the same name is
  5. Define a private attribute to get the constant value
  6. Define a constructor to set the value
  7. Override the get() method from the Supplier returning the value attribute


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import java.util.function.Supplier;

public enum LibraryLabels implements Supplier<String> {


    private String value;

    LibraryLabels(String value) {
        this.value = value;

    public String get() {
        return value;

4. Create the BookService Class


  1. Create a class called BookService in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Annotate it using the @ApplicationScoped from the jakarta.enterprise.context package
  3. Create a private field with the GraphTemplate type from the org.eclipse.jnosql.mapping.graph package

    • name is as graph
    • add the annotation @Inject from the jakarta.inject package
    private GraphTemplate graph;
  4. Create a method named category that receives a name as input, retrieving or inserting it in the graph

    Category category(String name) {
    return graph.traversalVertex().hasLabel(Category.class)
        .has("name", name)
        .orElseGet(() -> graph.insert(Category.of(name)));
  5. Create a method named book that receives a name as input, retrieving or inserting it in the graph

    Book book(String name) {
        return graph.traversalVertex().hasLabel(Book.class)
            .has("name", name)
            .orElseGet(() -> graph.insert(Book.of(name)));
  6. Create a method named category to establish a relationship between Book and Category, so they will become the parameters

    • use the graph.edge() method to establish the IS relationship

      public void category(Book book, Category category){
          this.graph.edge(book, LibraryLabels.IS, category);
  7. Create a method named category to establish a relationship between other categories, creating a sub-category

    • use the graph.edge() method to establish the IS relationship
    public void category(Category subCategory, Category category){
        this.graph.edge(subCategory, LibraryLabels.IS, category);
  8. Create a method to retrieve a list of categories by their name related to "Software"

    public List<String> softwareCategories(){
    return graph.traversalVertex().hasLabel(Category.class)
        .has("name", "Software")
  9. Create a method to retrieve a list of books by their name related to "Software"

    public List<String> softwareBooks(){
    return graph.traversalVertex().hasLabel(Category.class)
        .has("name", "Software")
  10. Create a method to retrieve a list of books by its name related to "Software" and "NoSQL"

    public List<String> softwareNoSQLBooks(){
        return graph.traversalVertex().hasLabel(Category.class)
            .has("name", "Software")
            .has("name", "NoSQL")

5. Create the execution class


  1. Create a class called AppBook in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Add a main method

    public static void main(String[] args) {
  3. Set up a try-with-resources block, inside the main method, to manage the Jakarta EE SeContainer that is responsible for dependency injection and managing resources

    try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {     
  4. Obtain a BookService instance from jakarta.nosql.document package by selecting it:

    BookService service =;
  5. Create the following categories by using the BookService instance

    • Software
    • Romance
    • Java
    • NoSQL
    • Micro Service

      Category software = service.category("Software");
      Category romance = service.category("Romance");
      Category java = service.category("Java");
      Category nosql =service.category("NoSQL");
      Category microService =service.category("MicroService");
  6. Create the following books by using the BookService instance

    • Effective Java
    • NoSQL Distilled
    • Migrating to Microservice Databases
    • The Shack

      Book effectiveJava ="Effective Java");
      Book nosqlDistilled ="NoSQL Distilled");
      Book migratingMicroservice ="Migrating to Microservice Databases");
      Book shack ="The Shack");
  7. Associate the sub-categories within the categories

    • Java and Software
    • NoSQL and Software
    • Microservice and Software

      service.category(java, software);
      service.category(nosql, software);
      service.category(microService, software);
  8. Associate the books with the categories

    • Effective Java and Software
    • NoSQL Distilled and Software
    • MicroServices and Software

      service.category(effectiveJava, software);
      service.category(nosqlDistilled, software);
      service.category(migratingMicroservice, software);
  9. Associate the sub-category with the books

    • Effective Java and Java
    • NoSQL Distilled and NoSQL
    • Migrating to Microservices to MicroService
    • Shack to Romance

      service.category(effectiveJava, java);
      service.category(nosqlDistilled, nosql);
      service.category(migratingMicroservice, microService);
  10. Filter the software books by category using the softwareCategories() method and printout the result

    List<String> softwareCategories =service.softwareCategories();
    System.out.println("Software Categories = " + softwareCategories);
  11. Filter all the software books by using the softwareBooks() method and printout the result

    List<String> softwareBooks = service.softwareBooks();
    System.out.println("Software Books = " + softwareBooks);
  12. Filter all the software and NoSQL books by using the softwareNoSQLBooks() method and printout the result

    List<String> softwareNoSQLBooks = service.softwareNoSQLBooks();
    System.out.println("Software and NoSQL Books = " + softwareNoSQLBooks);
  13. Define a private constructor for the AppBook class to prevent instantiation since it contains only static methods:

    private AppBook() {
  14. Run the main() method

Expected results

  • The following output

    Software Categories = [NoSQL, Java, MicroService]
    Software Books = [Effective Java, NoSQL Distilled, Migrating to Microservice Databases]
    Software and NoSQL Books = [NoSQL Distilled]


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import java.util.List;

public class AppBook {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        try (SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance().initialize()) {
            BookService service =;

            Category software = service.category("Software");
            Category romance = service.category("Romance");
            Category java = service.category("Java");
            Category nosql =service.category("NoSQL");
            Category microService =service.category("MicroService");

            Book effectiveJava ="Effective Java");
            Book nosqlDistilled ="NoSQL Distilled");
            Book migratingMicroservice ="Migrating to Microservice Databases");
            Book shack ="The Shack");

            service.category(java, software);
            service.category(nosql, software);
            service.category(microService, software);

            service.category(effectiveJava, software);
            service.category(nosqlDistilled, software);
            service.category(migratingMicroservice, software);

            service.category(effectiveJava, java);
            service.category(nosqlDistilled, nosql);
            service.category(migratingMicroservice, microService);
            service.category(shack, romance);

            List<String> softwareCategories =service.softwareCategories();
            System.out.println("Software Categories = " + softwareCategories);

            List<String> softwareBooks = service.softwareBooks();
            System.out.println("Software Books = " + softwareBooks);

            List<String> softwareNoSQLBooks = service.softwareNoSQLBooks();
            System.out.println("Software and NoSQL Books = " + softwareNoSQLBooks);

    private AppBook() {