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JAX-RS - Lab 1

In this lab, we will explore the JAX-RS capability of creating a fish API.

1. Defining the model object


  1. Open the 02-jax-rs project and navigate to the src/main/java
  2. Create a record called Fish in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  3. Add the following parameters as String:
    • id
    • name
    • color

Expected results

  • Record Fish representing a simple Java record to model a fish created


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public record Fish(String id, String name, String color) {

2. Defining the database class


  1. Create a class called FishDatabase in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Annotate the class with the @ApplicationScoped from the jakarta.enterprise.context package
  3. Add a field to represent a collection of fishes

    private Map<String, Fish> fishes;
  4. Add a constructor to initialize the collection of fishes

    public FishDatabase() {
        this.fishes = new HashMap<>();
  5. Add the following methods with its specific return and body:

    method method retun body
    findAll() List<Fish> return List.copyOf(this.fishes.values());
    findById(String id) Optional<Fish> return Optional.ofNullable(this.fishes.get(id));
    save(Fish fish) void this.fishes.put(, fish);
    delete(String id) void this.fishes.remove(id);
    clear() void this.fishes.clear();

Expected results

  • Database class with methods to support CRUD operations


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import jakarta.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;

public class FishDatabase {

    private Map<String, Fish> fishes;

    public FishDatabase() {
        this.fishes = new HashMap<>();

    public List<Fish> findAll() {
        return List.copyOf(this.fishes.values());

    public Optional<Fish> findById(String id) {
        return Optional.ofNullable(this.fishes.get(id));

    public void save(Fish fish) {
        this.fishes.put(, fish);

    public void delete(String id) {

    public void clear() {

3. Defining the resource class


  1. Create a class called FishResource in the expert.os.labs.persistence package
  2. Annotate the class with the following

    Annotations Package
    @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) and
    @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) and
  3. Inject the FishDatabase class by creating a field called database

    FishDatabase database;
  4. Implement the findAll() method:

    • use the @GET annotation
    • the method returnss a List<Fish>
    • the body should call the database-related method

      public List<Fish> findAll() {
         return this.database.findAll();
  5. Implement the findById() method:

    • use the @GET annotation together with the @Path to the /{id}
    • the method returns the Fish class
    • the method has the String id parameter annotated with @PathParam("id")
    • the body should call the database-related method, if it's not found throw a WebApplicationException exception with HTTP 404

      public Fish findById(@PathParam("id") String id) {
          return this.database.findById(id)
          .orElseThrow(() -> new WebApplicationException("Fish not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND));
  6. Implement the save() method

    • use the @POST annotation
    • the method is a void
    • the method has the Fish fish parameter
    • the body should call the database-related method

      public void insert(Fish fish) {


      We know that an HTTP POST method should return the status code 201 and the location header for the resource created. In this exercise, it does not have a return to ease the persistence understanding.

  7. Implement the deleteById() method

    • use the @DELETE annotation together with the @Path to the /{id}
    • the method returns void
    • the method has the String id parameter annotated with @PathParam("id")
    • the body should call the database-related method

      public void deleteById(@PathParam("id") String id) {

Expected results

  • A simple RESTful web service for managing fish records


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import jakarta.inject.Inject;

import java.util.List;

public class FishResource {

    FishDatabase database;

    public List<Fish> findAll() {
        return this.database.findAll();

    public Fish findById(@PathParam("id") String id) {
        return this.database.findById(id)
        .orElseThrow(() -> new WebApplicationException("Fish not found", Response.Status.NOT_FOUND));

    public void save(Fish fish) {;

    public void deleteById(@PathParam("id") String id) {

4. Testing the resources


  1. Open your Terminal
  2. Navigate to the 02-jax-rs in the root project folder
  3. Execute the following command to start the application

    ./mvnw quarkus:dev
  4. Open a new Terminal window

  5. Run the following curl commands, looking at the related expected results:

    Command Expected result
    curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":"1","name":"Nemo","color":"Orange"}' http://localhost:8080/fishes nothing in the terminal
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/fishes [{"color":"Orange","id":"1","name":"Nemo"}]
    curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/fishes/1 [{"color":"Orange","id":"1","name":"Nemo"}]
    curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/fishes/1 nothing in the terminal

Expected results

  • A simple RESTful web service for managing fish records where
    • the FishDatabase class manages the data
    • the FishResource class exposes REST endpoints to interact with the data