3.3 Redis commands
Handy Redis commands
The full list of commands can be found at https://redis.io/commands
Command | Description |
SET key value |
Set a key with a string value. |
GET key |
Retrieve the value associated with a key. |
INCR key |
Increment the integer value of a key by 1. |
DECR key |
Decrement the integer value of a key by 1. |
DEL key |
Delete a key and its associated value(s). |
KEYS pattern |
Find all keys matching a specified pattern. |
EXPIRE key seconds |
Set an expiration time (in seconds) for a key. |
TTL key |
Get the remaining time to live of a key (in seconds). |
HSET key field value |
Set the field in a hash stored at a key to a value. |
HGET key field |
Retrieve the value of a field from a hash. |
LPUSH key value [value] |
Insert one or more values at the head of a list. |
RPUSH key value [value] |
Insert one or more values at the tail of a list. |
LPOP key |
Remove and return the first element from a list. |
RPOP key |
Remove and return the last element from a list. |